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Regions are Independent geographic areas that Consist of Zones. They affect pricing, reliability networking, and Performance. EG:- Zonal Resource:- VM
Every Regios have 3 zones in GCP.

A Zone is a deployment area for google cloud Resources within a region Zones Should be Considered
a single failure domain within a Region.
To deploy fault-tolerant applications with high availability and help protect against unexpected failures, deploy your application across multiple Zones in a region. EG:- Regional Resource → app engine


Multi-regional Services are designed to be able to function following the loss of a single region.

Multi-regional Resources:- BigQuery, Bigtable, Cloud Storage, Spanner, Datastore, Firestore, Artifact Registry

If a single region fails then only Customers in that region are impacted, Customers who have multi-region products are not impacted.

The fully qualified name for a zone is made up of <region> <zone >

EG:- Zone-a in region Us-central1 is Us-central1-a
every Regios end with 1,2,3 and zone ends with a,b,c

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